Blood of the Sun Read online

Page 7

  “Demons?” Persephone’s eyebrows rose in surprise.

  “Don’t look so surprised, Persephone. Yes, demons. Why are they after Ditheous, and who summoned them?”

  Persephone’s face had paled. “Could you be … wrong?”

  Aega drew back and eyed the Goddess with disbelief. “Wrong? Could I be wrong?” She unzipped the top of her suit and peeled the fabric away from her pale shoulders to reveal the small scar left by the demon mark. “Does it look as if I am wrong, Persephone?”

  Persephone gasped. “Oh, in Zeus’ name.”

  “So, tell me, why are the demons after Ditheous?”

  Persephone ran a shaking hand through her hair and cast her eyes downward to her lap. “I … I … I promise you Aega. I did not know about the demons. You must believe me. I would never send such foul creatures after my blood kin, or after you.”

  Aega believed her. But she also believed that Persephone knew much more than she was letting on.

  “They were after Ditheous?” Persephone still sounded shocked. “Ditheous specifically?”

  “Yes. Batheel was summoned to destroy him.”

  “Batheel,” Persephone growled, “that disgusting maggot of a…”

  “Yes, that one.” Aega said dryly.

  “When I get my hands on him I’ll send him to the lowest level of Tartarus and have him hung by his…”

  “Too late,” Aega interrupted, “I’ve already sent him back down.”

  “You…” Persephone smiled slightly, “You destroyed Batheel?” Persephone’s eyes were drawn to Aega’s waist, where her dagger was still sheathed. “Ah, so Hades’ dagger did come in handy.”

  “Yes.” Aega sighed. This seemed to be an appropriate time to thank the Queen of the Underworld for her gift. “Thank you.” The words came out stilted.

  Persephone cleared her throat. “The pleasure was all mine, Aega. You are doing me a great favor.”

  “Not without reward,” Aega murmured.

  “No, not without reward.” Persephone let out a deep sigh. “It would seem that I am not the only one to have an interest in Ditheous.”

  “Hades?” Aega asked questioningly.

  Persephone shook her head vigorously. “No, no, Hades would not.”

  “Are you quite certain of that?”

  Persephone’s face fell. “I … I … no, I am not certain of anything these days. But … I feel it in here,” she touched her heart, “He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.”

  “He cursed Theseus.”

  “That was his right. It was to be understood. I betrayed him … and he punished me for it.”

  “And all that came from Theseus’ blood … in truth, he punished Ditheous far worse than he punished you, Persephone.”

  Persephone’s eyes flashed sudden fire. She stood suddenly, hands clenched tightly to her sides. “Don’t presume to know anything of the situation, little Goddess of light. You don’t. You cannot possibly understand the workings of true love, you have never…” Her words trailed off and she flushed. “That was … unkind of me.”

  Aega did not move a muscle. “No, you are right. I was presumptuous. As for love … no … I have never known it. Not from anyone.” She stood stiffly. “But if you still want me to watch Ditheous, you must tell me what I’m up against. Who, or what, is stalking his clan? And what have the wolf packs to do with the entire mess?”

  Persephone began to chew nervously on her lower lip. It was a very human gesture. “It is difficult, Aega … very complicated.”

  “Tell me, Persephone,” Aega implored.

  “All I know is that we are not the only players in this … this … game, Aega. I … I … think Aries must be involved somehow. He has been too secretive of late. And he is the God of war. This would be his forte.”

  Aega burned at the mention of the God of war. Whenever Aries got involved, destruction followed in his wake.

  “Would Aries come if I summoned him, Persephone?”

  Persephone shook her head. “No. I don’t think Aries would come if I summoned him.”

  Aega nodded slowly. “Would you do something for me?”

  Persephone frowned. “It depends. What do you want me to do?”

  “Can you locate a spirit?”

  Persephone drew back. “What?”

  “Can you tell me if someone has passed … if they are walking amongst the spirits in the Underworld or beyond?”

  “Yes, that I could do. Who is it that you wish to locate?”

  Aega took a deep breath. “Rochelle. Tell me if Rochelle, Ditheous’ Lieutenant, has passed on, please.”

  * * * *

  Aega focused on the location she wished to materialize in and concentrated. It was harder to project herself to locations that she had not been to before.

  Taking several deep breaths, she drew on her power and breathed out one name … Ditheous.

  It was sudden, her appearance in Ditheous’ room.

  A smile softened her face as she took in Ditheous’ sleeping form. He was so beautiful, even peaceful, in his sleep. His brow was smooth and his mouth was turned up in a small, soft smile.

  What was he thinking? What, who, spoke to him in his dreams?

  Aega licked her lips as she took in the hard, solid form that was Ditheous. He was as beautiful as a God. His chest was perfectly sculpted, smooth skin textured with hard planes … perfect. His legs were long, and muscled, as were his strong arms … and his cock, even slack was more than impressive.

  Aega felt the strong hand of lust grip her as she studied him. It was mad … how easily he aroused her. How much she wanted him. “Ditheous … it should not be this way,” she whispered. She gasped when his hand shot out to grab her wrist.

  “What way would that be?” Ditheous asked quietly. “The sun has set, little Goddess, or did you not notice?”

  Aega swallowed. His eyes were so clear … like shining crystals, and they seemed to stare right through her.

  He smiled right before he flipped her onto his bed. He straddled her surprised body, holding her prisoner under his hard form. “It is good to see you, sunshine.”

  “I … did not mean to intrude on your…” Aega broke off weakly. Even to her ears her excuse sounded lame.

  “Do you like to look, Aega?” Ditheous’ eyes sparkled. “Are you a voyeur, little Goddess?”

  She gasped, beginning to struggle against Ditheous’ hold. “How dare you. How dare you imply…”

  Ditheous groaned when Aega’s hips bumped against him. Just that small, unintentional touch of her body drove him over the edge. His cock went immediately hard and his cold skin warmed. Her breasts were heaving and her pale face was flushed with twin spots of red on her cheeks.

  She was furious. And she was glorious in her fury.

  Ditheous settled more firmly against her struggling body and tightened the grip on her arms. He leaned over her and caught her fuming mouth in a kiss. He licked her full lips, teasing, tasting the soft, sweet surface. Her lips were a plump temptation, as was the rest of her.

  Aega bit him.

  Ditheous tasted his own blood and licked away the coppery liquid. He pulled away from Aega, eyes gleaming, lips bruised, skin broken.

  “If I knew you liked it rough…” Passion filled his voice, thickening it.

  “Why you…” The rest of Aega’s words were lost as a thick scarf was tied around her mouth. Her eyes flashed as she found her arms similarly tied down.

  Aega was shocked. She hadn’t even seen Ditheous move. Such speed was extraordinary, even to her Goddess’ eyes.

  Ditheous grinned, leaning back to admire his handiwork. “Now, sunshine, I know with your powers you could easily escape the binds as well as dislodge the gag … but I am hoping, counting on your curiosity … your sense of adventure to override your…” he cleared his throat, “initial anger at my, uh, high-handiness regarding the situation.”

  He let his eyes run appreciatively over the length of her body. Her thick, shining hair lay
around her like a halo, giving her the appearance of an angel—a fallen angel. Her amber eyes were glowing now, flashing, spitting fire at him. During her brief struggle with him, her dress had worked its way up to her hips. The flimsy fabric was nearly see-through, and molded her soft, lush curves like a second skin.

  He began to knead the soft flesh of her thighs and laughed when she kicked out her legs at him. “Now, now … we can’t have that, can we?” He quickly secured her legs and nodded. “Much better … much, much, better. And you look sexy beyond belief.” Ditheous grinned when he saw the look in her eyes that seemed to say, ‘Like I give a flying fuck what you think’. “Now, sunshine, I’m going to take my time with you.”

  Ditheous came to rest at the foot of the bed. He took hold of Aega’s slender foot and began to massage it. He let his fingers run in a circular fashion on the sole of her foot, watching her face, the expressions that flittered over it. Her eyes were still flashing, but it seemed now from pleasure, more than anything else.

  “You have beautiful feel, sunshine, beautiful, beautiful feet.” Ditheous moved up to her calf, digging his fingers into the tense muscles he found there. Her skin was soft, the sinews tense under the pale flesh. “But then … what should I expect. Every part of you is beautiful.”

  Aega gurgled something from under her gag, and began to squirm.

  “Feel good?” He dipped his head down to lightly bite her inner thigh. “I promise … I’m going to make it feel so much better.”

  Aega wiggled her hips and flexed her foot.

  Ditheous smiled, trailing his tongue up the length of her heated skin, coming to rest at the apex of her thighs. “I’m taking that movement to mean that you want more.” He breathed in the womanly scent of her. “No panties, sunshine … you are adventurous, aren’t you?”

  Ditheous worked her dress up to her waist, exposing her pink sex to his avid gaze.

  She was smooth as a shell and pink as cotton candy.

  He licked the entire length of her slit, reveling in the sweet taste of her, the moisture that coated his tongue.

  Ahhhh … she even tasted as sweet as cotton candy.

  “Wet for me, sunshine … you’re already so wet for me.”

  Aega closed her eyes and let out another gurgle.

  Ditheous used his fingers to part the soft folds of her pussy and then slid his tongue deeply into her warm, wet, depth. His tongue swirled and flicked, tasting all there was of her, and wanting more.

  He located her clit, hard and full as a pomegranate seed and he ran his tongue around its satiny surface. The bud became firmer, plumper with each stroke of his tongue and she began to twist and arch her hips off of the bed.

  Burrowing deeper into her sweet pussy, Ditheous refused to stop his delicious torment. His fingers gripped her thighs more firmly and his tongue began to stroke and lash. The ministrations of his tongue quickened, and his lips tightened over the folds of her pussy, holding her in place.

  He felt her inner muscles tense and pulse around his tongue and he knew how close she was, how close she was to her release. Her body was shaking, quivering and her pussy was wet with her desire.

  He gave two more quick strokes of his tongue and the floodgates burst; her sweet cream coated his tongue and filled his mouth.

  He pulled away, licking his lips and swallowing the last drops of her essence. Aega’s chest was heaving and he could hear the steady thump of her heart as it pounded beneath her beautiful chest. “Now…” He swallowed. His cock was so full it felt as if it would burst before it even glided into her depths. “Will you have me, sunshine?”

  Aega’s eyes twinkled and she blinked—twice.

  “Is that a yes?” Ditheous asked with a smile.

  She blinked again.

  “Blink twice, for a yes.”

  She rolled her eyes and he could tell she was scowling under her gag. He laughed as he rose above her, positioning his hard cock at her waiting entrance.

  He squeezed the soft, round globes of her breasts and let out a low groan when Aega thrust her hips toward him. “Yes, sunshine, yes, now!”

  With one sure stroke he imbedded himself fully within her hot, wet, pussy. It immediately clenched around the hard, hot steel that was plundering her flesh, and she felt unbelievably stretched … filled beyond belief.

  His cock was so hot, so hard … and amazingly growing harder by the second.

  She could feel him pulsing within her and it was incredible.

  She opened her mouth to let out a low moan and found herself biting down on the gag that held her mouth prisoner. Her hips thrust wildly, desperate to feel him even more deeply within her.

  As if reading her mind, Ditheous withdrew his cock, only to plunge again—this time even deeper than before. He began a steady rhythm, holding her hips firmly in place with his large hands.

  “Goddess … you’re so tight…” he growled, his nails digging into her hips, as his cock continued to spear in and out of her tight, hot, passage.

  Aega was burning up. Her body felt as if it were on fire. Her heart was thundering as she felt herself falling into complete and utter meltdown.

  He was so good, felt so good.

  But she needed more. She needed to feel more.

  Aega flexed her feet and yanked her legs free of their binding. She wrapped her legs around Ditheous’ hips and pulled him tightly against her.

  Ditheous groaned, increasing the strength of his thrusts.

  “Oh Goddess … oh sunshine … you are so hot…” He pinched her hard nipples.

  Aega’s eyes glazed over and she pressed herself more firmly into his hands, begging him without words to take her harder.

  He complied, his strokes were sure and strong and his fingers continued to squeeze and pinch her nipples.

  Aega’s breath began to come out in short puffs. Her pussy was on fire, burning, begging for its ultimate release. She could feel each clench, each pulse as her flesh squeezed, loved, his hard, plundering cock.

  She wanted to scream, to shout. And suddenly she could. The gag was gone, ripped quickly away.

  Ditheous inserted his index finger slowly into the tight, puckered ring of Aega’s anus.

  She opened her mouth and let out a high, full scream. The pressure was delicious, and coupled with the sure, hard strokes of his cock, sent her over the edge. Her pussy clenched, contracted and shook.

  “Ditheous…” Aega screamed his name. “Ditheous, Ditheous…”

  Her release triggered his own. He grunted, thrust one more time and released his seed within her still quaking pussy.

  Aega closed her eyes and fell limply onto the bed. Ditheous’ hard form, followed. He lay his head against the cushion of her breast and toyed idly with her thick, soft, hair.

  “That was,” he murmured against her breast, “the most wonderful way to wake up.”

  Her eyes popped open and she burst out laughing.

  * * * *

  Aega smiled as she watched Ditheous dress. She let out a small, disappointed groan when he tugged his pants up over his hips.

  “Oh phooey,” she pouted.

  He turned slowly. “Did you just say ‘phooey’?”

  She smiled.

  “I did not know Goddesses said phooey.” Ditheous made his way slowly over to where she was reclining casually on his bed. “I thought Goddesses were … genteel, refined…”

  Aega got to her knees. She leaned over, capturing his belt-buckle in her nimble hands. “Are you saying I am not … refined?”

  Ditheous clenched his jaw and groaned as he felt her hand brush his already stiffening cock.

  “I can be very … genteel … very refined.” She licked her full lips and gently cupped him, testing his weight in her hands. “I can also be…” She pulled her hand away and sat back on her haunches, “very exacting in my revenge.”

  His eyes gleamed. “Tease.”

  She smiled. “Mmmm…”

  “That is all you are to say? Mmmmmm? I do not believe
that is a word, sunshine.”

  She laughed and gracefully hopped out of bed. She straightened out her dress and tossed her hair over her shoulder, eyeing him mischievously.

  He was at her side immediately. He speared his hands through her soft hair and leaned down to nuzzle the soft skin of her neck. His tongue was flicking over the smooth lobe of her ear when the door to his room burst open.

  Aega gasped.

  Ditheous’ eyes went cold as flint. “Joseph,” he said his Second’s name low, filled with dark menace.

  Joseph’s eyes were filled with surprise as they darted between the two of them. After his initial shock wore off, he dropped to one knee and lowered his head. “I beg your pardon. I did not mean to … to … intrude.”

  “Oh?” Ditheous let Aega go, and moved to stand before Joseph.

  “I…” Joseph swallowed.

  Ditheous wrapped his hand around a length of Joseph’s thick, caramel-colored hair and tugged, pulling the young Vampyre’s head back.

  “You…” he tightened his grip, “Have a very bad knack of interrupting me…”

  Joseph’s jaw clenched.

  Ditheous continued. “Your behavior is no better than that of a fledgling…” his clear eyes grew darker and darker and his face paled until his veins were visible beneath the delicate flesh. “I tolerate a lot from you, Joseph … but…”

  “Oh for the love of Zeus!” Aega cried, pulling Ditheous’ hand away from Joseph’s hair. “Stop acting like a child.”

  Ditheous snarled.

  She sighed. “And put away those fangs.”

  Joseph swallowed, but remained where he was.

  Ditheous growled now. “You … are not to interfere when I am…”

  “Being a vlaca?” Aega asked innocently.

  Ditheous blinked, his eyes went wide. “Excuse me? Did you just call me a … moron?”

  She nodded firmly. “I believe I did.”

  Ditheous continued to stare at Aega with wide eyes. Joseph continued to stare at them.

  Finally Ditheous’ cool, handsome face broke out into a smile. “I shall not be allowed to get away with anything in your presence, will I?” Ditheous asked the question of Aega.